Nov 13, 2010

Boys and Girls

Forgot to update last night (but only because I was actually into drawing). Don't really have much to say right now, but I just really wanted to get an update in before I forget again later tonight.

Umm.. let's see. Here's another WIP of my KudoFudo pic:

[I only really have the eyes left to do, and maybe do something with the BG.. (one layer coloring is such a drag!). I stopped working on it last night, though, because my hand started hurting (for real!) xD;]

[Fanart I drew of LMP's new OCs, Cleaver Kid, and Stapler Face.. Very interesting! xD]

You might recognize this as my new blog BG. My mascot, Bon Créme in all his wonderful flavors! >u<)y I'm surprised it tiled so well. I tried to make the spacing as even as possible, so the tiling wouldn't be too big or too small in areas. Glad it worked out! ♥

On a random note: Drawing girls is a little fun.. I used to draw nothing but girls as a kid, and drawing boys was like blasphemy. I wouldn't even consider it! Now I prefer to draw boys, and drawing girls just wasn't interesting to me. But now that I'm trying again, drawing all those girly-ish dresses with all the frills.. It might be helpful to me in certain ways (I don't know how yet, but I'm sure it'll be helpful?;;).

Anyway, I just thought of that. I'll be back later to update, maybe. Depends.

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